210+ Periodic Table Puns & Jokes

Element Puns

  1. I auditioned for the lead role on a play of the periodic table but Actinium ended up getting it.
  2. I’m a female but you can call me Iron Man (Fe = Iron, male = man).
  3. “Please don’t start with your element jokes, I’ve sulfered enough,” said the tired element to the other elements.
  4. Gold is not terrible. It’s Au-some. Even silver Ag-rees.
  5. If you find any dead elements around, you need to Barium.
  6. When the elements saw a theft happening, they reported the crime to Copper.
  7. He paid a nickel to hear some Chemistry jokes. Many of the jokes were Boron, but there was some comedy Gold. They were Sodium good.
  8. When everyone called Hydrogen a loner, Helium laughed out loud, “HeHeHe”.
  9. The robbers learned that the tombs had treasure in them, and so, they went to Radium.
  10. I earn a living by selling fur, I guess you could say I Sulfur.
  11. When the top racer saw that he was falling behind the rest, he began Fluorine the gas to get back to the first place.
  12. When there was a fire, the elements said that Arsenic started the fire.
  13. There are many noble elements but the smartest of all elements in the periodic table is Einsteinium.
  14. If you ever hurt your leg, you put your Neon the couch and put some ointment on it.
  15. When the King heard that the prisoner escaped he told the guards to Cesium.
  16. Oxygen and Potassium had a date last week. It was OK!
  17. Oxygen tried to bond with Sodium over a 2Na sandwich.
  18. When periodic table puns get Boron, you should start reading element jokes instead!
  19. To break a wild horse, get a proper lasso and then Europium.
  20. The police thought that something was cooking in the Chemist’s lab. They wanted to radon the lab.
  21. If Seth Rogen starts a new Monday night TV show about scienc, it would be called Night-Rogen.
  22. The chemist had so much fun writing periodic table jokes, he was in his element.
  23. The child wanted to go to the amusement park at midnight. His father arranged a bunch of iron in a circle and called out: “Here’s a Ferrous Wheel.”
  24. The police did not trust the statement given by the atoms, after all, they are known for making up everything.
  25. Carbon and Hydrogen went to the park, they really bonded well.
  26. He was kind enough to help the old lady cross the road. Truly, he is a good Samarium.
  27. The stupid clown was thrown in jail because he was a Silicon (Silly con).
  28. All the elements went to wash their dishes in the Zinc.

Chemistry Puns

210+ Periodic Table Puns & Jokes
  1. The chemical formula for water is HIJKLMNO, in short, H to O.
  2. If you have any problem with your computer, you should consult Technetium.
  3. Chemists never die. They only stop reacting.
  4. When you put your tooth in a glass of water, it becomes a molar solution.
  5. John noticed that his Lithium was missing. Sammy said she did not take it. John said, “You Li.”
  6. Thor’s absolute favorite element is Thorium.
  7. One titration put out the challenge to the other titration – let’s meet at the end point.
  8. Shakespeare wrote a play on Beryllium. He called it “To Be or Not To Be”.
  9. The scientist put Silicone rubber in his sandals because he wanted to remove his Carbon footprints.
  10. The funny Chemistry teacher loves chemistry puns. He tells them periodically.
  11. The police ion warned the suspect, “I got my ion you.”
  12. The teacher made a chemistry joke but got no reaction from the class.
  13. Scientists usually prefer working with Ammonium Hydroxide because it’s pretty Basic.
  14. When my old aunt died, I inherited all the antimony!
  15. The boy wanted to play cowboy and so, he went to the horses and Rhodium.
  16. The army should start making the right use of acid in wars to neutralize the enemy Bases.
  17. Whenever Copper and Tellerium come together, they look so CuTe.
  18. The scientist cooled himself down to absolute zero. He said he’s 0K.
  19. The bear just dissolved in water because it was polar.
  20. All the good chemistry jokes Argon.
  21. Nitrates are much favored by chemist’s than day rates because they are cheaper.
  22. If Iron Man and the Silver Surfer formed a team, they would become alloys.
  23. Gold is one of the most expensive elements ever because it is Au-some.  
  24. Acids with snarky attitude issues are called A-mean-o Acids.
  25. Don’t worry if your chemistry experiments don’t turn out fine. It’s okay, oxidants happen.
  26. After buying the new car, the French person exclaimed “Car-bon”.
  27. I’m trying hard to remember the name of this element and it is at the tip of my tungsten.
  28. On the day of Christmas, the chemist went to the store to buy a Chemis-tree.
  29. Carbon can never get a good grade in Chemistry class. He’s always stuck at C.
  30. The gas chromatograph suffers from a separation anxiety.
  31. During the chemistry exam, you either know the solution or you just precipitate!
  32. When the homeowner threw sodium chloride at the thief, he cried out that it was an as-salt.
  33. The chemist was arrested for having Sodium chloride and a 12V in his car. The police booked him for a-salt and battery.
  34. The doctor told the sick chemist that if he couldn’t Helium, and Curium, he will have to Barium.
  35. When the man learned that Oxygen is only around 21% of our atmosphere, he exclaimed, “Oh”.
  36. You know, however much I want, I couldn’t put down this book on Helium.
  37. You should not drink too much phosphurous-based drinks. You will have to go to P too often!
  38. Vanadium is the youngest element in Rome. Its age is just V.
  39. Rubidium went to the diner and asked for his favorite: Barbecued Rb.
  40. Nowadays, a fake knee (Ni) does not cost too much. It’s just a Nickel!
  41. Chemistry laboratory is a party place at times. Some students like to drop the base.
  42. When one copper parted ways with the other copper,  he said, “Cu”.
  43. Proton couldn’t go with Electron to the library on Sunday because he had mass.
  44. If a student is unable to learn about Oxygen, he is an oxy-moron.
  45. Don’t want to be very mean, but people already know that you can’t make Osmium learn anything – he is extremely dense.
  46. Salt told water that they couldn’t be together since they were in different states. So, they went for a new solution.
  47. The chemist did an audition for the periodic table drama and got the Lead role.
  48. I lost my electron microscope this morning. Now I can only see the positive.
  49. Good morning! It is time to get up and go to work. Up and atom!
  50. Iron and Lead love to listen to some Heavy Metal.
  51. I never go on a treasure hunt with my friend Atom because he always wants to split up.  
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Chemistry Jokes about Elements and the Periodic Table

210+ Periodic Table Puns & Jokes
  1. Two guys walk into a restaurant. One guy says “I would like some H2O.” The other guy says “I would like some H2O too (H2O2).” The waiter delivers the drinks and the second guy dies after imbibing his. (H2O is water, while H2O2 is hydrogen peroxide.)
  2. I told a chemistry joke … There was no reaction.
  3. Why are helium, curium, and barium the three main medical elements? If you can’t curium or helium, you barium!
  4. Are you hydrogen? Why? Because I can’t live without you.
  5. Are you 11 protons? ‘Cause you are sodium fine.
  6. What did the chemist say to motivate his team? We ARGON to BARIUM.
  7. What don’t you understand about copper? It makes perfect CENTS!
  8. A good way to remember gold is “Au gimme that gold”.
  9. What do you do with a dead scientist? You barium. That’s if you can’t helium or curium.
  10. A wrestler holding down an opponent may have a NEON him.
  11. Two chemists walk into a bar, the first says I will have some H2O and the second one says I will have some H2O too and the second one dies! Hahaha (get it… H2O2 is hydrogen peroxide and you can’t drink it or you will die)
  12. What happened to the chemist in the cave – Berkelium (bear kill him)
  13. Hey want to hear a joke about potassium?… K
  14. You must be ethidium bromide, because I’m tangled in your double helix.
  15. Are you made out of beryllium, ununtrium, and titanium ? Cause you’re a BeUTi ( beauty)
  16. Do particles with multiple helium isotopes have mass? Only the Catholic ones!
  17. Are you feeling under the weather today? Because you look like you’re Na fine.
  18. Sooo I was gonna tell you a joke about sodium and hydrogen……but NaH.
  19. So an atom walks into a bar with a gun and the bartender says “Who are you and what do you want?” to which the atom replies “The name’s Bond, Ionic Bond, and I want an electron taken, not shared.”
  20. What do you do to dead elements? You barium.
  21. I was looking for sodium on the periodic table, but then it told me it was not available! (Na)
  22. What do you say when: oxygen, hydrogen, sulfur, sodium and phosphorous walk into a bar? OH SNaP!
  23. Knock Knock, Who’s There? Beryl. Beryl who? Beryl and Lium
  24. Are you made of fluorine, iodine, and neon? Because you’re so fine! F is fluorine, I is iodine, and Ne is the element symbol for neon.
  25. What did the chemist do when he cut his leg? He put his neon (knee on) a table to bandage it up.
  26. Chemistry jokes are sodium funny! Hah… say it out loud. sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium sodium BATMAN!
  27. Argon walks into a bar. Bar man says, “We don’t serve noble gases.” Argon doesn’t react. (Noble gases are unreactive.)
  28. I am a female, Fe = Iron and Male = man Therefore, I am Iron Man.
  29. What is the element’s favorite carnival ride? The Ferrous Wheel, of course!
  30. Forget hydrogen you’re my number one element.
  31. When someone I don’t like asks me to hang out I tell them sodium hydrogen. (NaH)
  32. Did you hear Oxygen and Potassium went on a date? Yeah, it went OK. (O is the symbol for oxygen, while K is the symbol for potassium.)
  33. Did you hear that Oxygen and Magnesium hooked up last night? OMg
  34. Are you a mixture of Fluoride, Iodine, and Nitrogen cause you are fine.
  35. You wanna hear a joke about potassium? … K ? You wanna hear a joke about sodium? … Na You wanna hear a joke about silicon? … Si You wanna hear a joke about nitrogen and oxygen? … NO You wanna hear a joke about tungsten? … W
  36. Teacher: Do you know your elements? Student: yeah, maybe… Teacher: isotope so.
  37. Are you made of copper and tellurium?? Because you’re pretty CuTe!
  38. Q: Why does helium laugh so much? A: Because it goes HeHe (Which is actually a pretty poor joke because helium is monatomic.)
  39. Chemist 1: do you have any sodium bromate? Chemist 2: NaBrO
  40. What does a metal miner write home in a letter to his girlfriend? I am zincing of you all the time!
  41. What does Uranium, Nickel, Cobalt, and Radon spell? UNiCoRn!
  42. Guys, stop it with the puns. We’ve all sulfured enough.
  43. My jokes are kinda boron, but a lot of the good ones argon. I’d pay a nickel to hear another joke. These are comedy gold.
  44. I was going to tell a periodic table joke but all them argon.
  45. They were standing in their yards. Pop the Cd In neighbor!
  46. Come on guys, these chemistry jokes are getting a bit boron.
  47. Q: What did the chemist say when he found two isotopes of Helium? A: HeHe
  48. What do you say when someone takes your gold watch? Au come back with my watch!
  49. What did the elements say to hydrogen? What a loner!
  50. Billy was a chemist’s son but now he is no more. What he thought was H2O was H2SO4!
  51. Q: What did one ion say to another? A: I’ve got my ion you.
  52. My dog died so I had to barium.
  53. Protons have mass? I didn’t know they were Catholic?
  54. You’re so boron I’m going to go find a krypton to barium in.
  55. A neutron went to buy a drink. He asked the employee how much it is. Employee: For you, no charge! Proton 1: Hey, that man just got a free drink! Proton 2: Are you sure? Proton 1: I’m positive!
  56. Obama is giving his speech. Joe Wilson says: “U Li!!”
  57. This joke is sodium good. (You have to hear it to get it.)
  58. How did the boss speak to the very lazy employee? Fermium, of course!
  59. What do you get when you mix helium with steel? flying cars
  60. A teacher asks their class what the molecular formula for water is. A student replies HijklmnO. The teacher says no you’re wrong. Then the student says didn’t you say the formula was H to O
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210+ Periodic Table Puns & Jokes
  1. All the elements are sitting at the dinner table and neon says” Helium don’t eat too much! You’re gonna get fat!” Helium says ” No I’m not, I’m the second lightest here!”
  2. First person: Do I have a joke on sodium?? Answer: Na
  3. What element did the dinosaurs say killed them? Argon
  4. Joke: what does the chemist tell his friends when he goes into an eatery? “When I go into a restaurant, iodine.”
  5. What is uranium + fluorine + oxygen? Answer: UFO
  6. We should just find all the bad chemistry jokes and just barium.
  7. Teacher: What’s the molecular formula of water? Student: HIJKLMNO Teacher: No, that’s wrong. Student: But didn’t you say water is “H to O”?
  8. Carbon was saying to oxygen hey did you hear about the new phone company O2? And then oxygen said yeah they named it after me. HAHAHAHA
  9. Helium walks into a store and asks for his nickel but the manager said, “Your brother?” Get it? They are both on the periodic table!
  10. 1st Person: Do you like Iron man, coz I do! 2nd Person: No, he just a big Fe Male!
  11. What is a house cat’s favorite chemical compound? MoUSe
  12. I would tell you a good element joke, but they ARGON!!!
  13. What do you call iron blowing in the breeze? Febreeze
  14. Silicon jokes: Q: Is silicon the same in Spanish? | A: Si
  15. Q.Why do chemists call Helium, Curium and Barium, phenetical elements? A. coz if you can’t Helium or Curium, YOU BARIUM
  16. Person 1: Does anyone know any good jokes about sodium? Person 2: Na 
  17. Anyone know any sodium, bromine, or Oxygen jokes? Na BrO
  18. Chemistry jokes are sodium funny. Hahahahahaahaha 
  19. Let’s head on down to the cemetery and get our Krypton.
  20. Did you hear? Oxygen and magnesium got together?? OMg!!
  21. Why did the scientist want carbon, Arsenic, and Hydrogen? It makes CAsH
  22. So some helium walks into the bar and says “lets Barium!!!” everyone screamed. “why are you screaming?” Asked helium “Cause you want to bury um!!”
  23. A man walks into a bar and asks for H2O then a 2nd man comes in and asks for H2O too. The second man died. (The 2nd man asked for H2O2, which is liquid poison.)
  24. A neutron walks into a bar and says “How much for a beer?” The barman says “For you NO CHARGE” 
  25. Q: If H2O is the formula for ice, what is the formula for ice? A: H2O cubed.
  26. These element jokes are so dead, we should barium.
  27. Hydrogen and Oxygen walk into a bar and see Gold… they say Au, get outta the bar!
  28. Q: What did the copper say to the steel-er? A: Cesium
  29. What does a good doctor do for his patients? –Helium
  30. What’s the best formula for breakfast? Barium, Cobalt, and Nitrogen (BaCoN)
  31. What did the bartender say when Oxygen, Hydrogen, Sulfur, Sodium, and Phosphorus walked into his bar? “OH SNaP!”
  32. What song starts with Oxygen Hydrogen Sodium Sodium? Oh Na Na, what’s my name.
  33. A proton and a neutron are walking down the street. The proton says, “Wait, I dropped an electron help me look for it.” The neutron says “Are you sure?” The proton replies “I’m positive.”
  34. So one guy says to another ‘Wanna hear a potassium joke?’ K
  35. What did two scientists do when their test subject died? Barium
  36. What animal do you get when you take out the T, A and I in the word Potassium. Possum.
  37. If “Fe” is Iron, then does that mean that a Female is Iron Man?
  38. Sodium Bromate Joke: Want some sodium bromate? Na BrO!
  39. I would tell you a chemistry joke but all the good ones Argon!
  40. Want me to tell a potassium joke? K…. Will you accept a sodium joke? Na, im fine
  41. I don’t want to tell jokes in class because I might get NO REACTION
  42. What do tomb robbers do to pyramids? -Radium What did the king say to the guard when the prisoner escaped? -“Cesium!”
  43. Susan was in chemistry. Susan is no more, for what she thought was H2O was H2SO4
  44. How did Arsenals become a strong club in English premier league? Because they are bronzed with Arsenic.
  45. What will happen if you get into water and can’t zwim? Zinc!
  46. What sharp object do you get when you combine potassium, nickel, and iron? — KNiFe
  47. Carbon! – The happy Frenchman’s opinion after buying his new automobile.
  48. When my wealthy old aunt passed away I got all the antimony!
  49. What’s the name of the element that comes after nine? — Tin
  50. What’s the first thing a teenager does after school? — Radon food in the fridge
  51. What did the cowboy do with his horse? — Rhodium Where did he do it? — Holmium on the Range
  52. What do you do with a dead chemist? Barium. (Explanation: bury ’em, bury them sounds like barium)
  53. Zinc Element Joke: Where do you put dirty dishes? In the zinc.
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Periodic Table Puns

210+ Periodic Table Puns & Jokes
  • What you do in a play

Actinium – Ac

  • What you do to a wrinkled shirt

Iron – Fe

  • “Tasty” part of your mouth

Tungsten – W

  • Someone who likes to start fires

Arsenic – As

  • Superman’s weakness

Krypton – Kr

  • Your brother or mine

Bromine – Br

  • Extinct

Argon – Ar

  • Imitation diamond

Zirconium – Zr

  • A type of flower

Germanium – Gr, Rhodium – Rh, or Gadolinium – Gd

  • Las Vegas lights

Neon – Ne

  • Police

Copper – Cu

  • Golden State

Californium – Cf

  • Name of a goofy convict

Silicon – Si

  • Mr. Mony’s enemy

Antimony – Sb

Platinum – Pt

  • What you did to ripped jeans

Sodium – Na

  • A “prize” element

Nobelium – No

  • A very smart person

Einsteinium – Es

  • Person from the big blue planet

Neptunium – Np

  • A fur seller

Sulfur – S